Outside Temperature | 23.3°C |
App. Temperature | 25.2°C (Mild) |
Dewpoint | 19.3°C |
Humidity | 79% |
Barometer | 1017.6 hPa |
Barometer Trend (1 hour) | 0.0 hPa |
Wind | 7 km/h from 138° (SE) |
Rain Rate | 0.0 mm/hr |
Inside Temperature | 22.9°C |
UV | 5.0 |
ET | 0.0 mm |
Solar Radiation | 586 W/m² |
High Temperature | 23.9°C at 15:07:11 |
Low Temperature | 16.4°C at 03:56:24 |
High App. Temp. | 26.2°C (Mild) at 15:09:50 |
Low App. Temp. | 16.8°C (Mild) at 04:50:23 |
High Humidity | 100% at 08:36:09 |
Low Humidity | 76% at 15:10:38 |
High Dewpoint | 20.2°C at 12:15:09 |
Low Dewpoint | 16.0°C at 04:04:33 |
High Barometer | 1017.9 hPa at 14:19:41 |
Low Barometer | 1014.3 hPa at 04:16:29 |
Today's Rain | 3.5 mm |
High Rain Rate | 60.3 mm/hr at 11:22:42 |
High Wind | 28 km/h from 219° (SW) at 07:52:48 |
Average Wind | 8 km/h |
RMS Wind | 8 km/h |
Vector Average Speed | 7 km/h |
Vector Average Direction | 144° (SE) |
High Inside Temperature | 23.0°C at 15:48:35 |
Low Inside Temperature | 20.0°C at 08:28:09 |
High UV | Low UV |
14.0 at 13:41:32 | 0.0 at 00:00:02 |
High ET | Low ET |
0.0 mm at 15:10:00 | 0.0 mm at 06:00:00 |
High Radiation | Low Radiation |
1533 W/m² at 13:41:32 | 0 W/m² at 00:00:02 |
Forecast for the rest of Saturday | |
Max 25 |
Sunday 19 Jan | |
Shower or two.
Min 18 Max 24 |
Monday 20 Jan | |
Partly cloudy.
Min 16 Max 26 |
Tuesday 21 Jan | |
Mostly sunny.
Min 16 Max 30 |
Wednesday 22 Jan | |
Partly cloudy.
Min 19 Max 35 |
Thursday 23 Jan | |
Possible shower.
Min 19 Max 25 |
Friday 24 Jan | |
Partly cloudy.
Min 20 Max 29 |
Full Forecast |
Click on the image above for full near real time and archive lightning information.
Current Temperature | 24.5 °C |
Apparent Temperature | 23.1 °C (Mild) |
Relative Humidity | 71 % |
Wind | 24 km/h from SSE |
Rain since 9am | 3.2 mm |
Location |
Carlingford, NSW, Australia |
Latitude: |
33° 46.30' S |
Longitude: |
151° 02.22' E |
Elevation: |
114 meters |
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